Royal Decree 822/2021, 28 September, on the organisation of university education and the procedure for its quality assurance, includes an educational approach focused on the student body skills in the new structure of university studies.
This new Royal Decree aims to strengthen trust within the university community and general society, with regard to procedures provided to ensure quality in all the academic offer of the university system, both in public and private scopes. In other words, society must be sure that all the university official Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees in Spain are quality assured.
In order to implement a new degree, the University must remit a project report of the degree to the Council of Universities, body responsible for verification, through the electronic site. To issue the verification resolution, the Council of Universities requests a review report to the AAC, the competent quality assurance Agency at the Andalusian Community.
Whether the verification of the study plan proposal is favourable, this is remitted to the autonomous communities, which will make a favourable or unfavourable decision on its authorisation. If it is positive, the degree will be registered in the Register for Universities, Centres and Degrees (RUCT) , Ministry for Education.
- pdfDecree 154/2023, of 27 June, on the organisation of official university education in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spanish)
- pdfRoyal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, establishing the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure
- pdfRoyal Decree 99/2011, january 28th, regulating official doctoral training (Consolidated text of July 18, 2023) (Spanish)
- pdfResolution of April 6, 2021, of the General Secretariat of Universities, approving recommendations in relation to the evaluation criteria and standards for the verification, modification, follow-up and renewal of the accreditation of official university Bachelor’s and Master's degrees offered in virtual and hybrid teaching modalities. (Spanish)
- pdfGuidelines for the preparation and evaluation of bachelor's and master's degree curricula in different teaching modalities (REACU, 11/29/2021) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation Protocol for Verification of Higher Education study plans leading to the achievement of University official Bachelor and Master degrees (REACU, 13/01/2022)
- pdfEvaluation Protocol for the verification of official doctoral degrees (REACU, 03/02/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation protocol for the inclusion of the Dual Mention (Spanish)
- pdfConsiderations for quality assurance of e-learning provision - European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- pdfStandards and criteria for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2015)
- pdfEvaluation Protocol for the inclusion of specific methodological strategies on teaching innovation (REACU, 29/04/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfStandards and guidelines on the development and evaluation of study plans modifications for the assignment adaptation of knowledge fields (REACU, 27/05/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation protocol for the adaptation of the duration of Bachelor's and Master's studies (REACU, 07/19/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfGuide for the development of the verification reports on university official Bachelor and Master degrees (CTEyA. 07/03/2025 ) No estará en vigor hasta la próxima convocatoria
- pdfGuide for the verification of official Doctoral programs (CTEyA. 21/07/2022)
- pdfGuide for the development of the verification reports on university official Bachelor and Master degrees (CTEyA. 24/05/2022)
- pdfCalendar for the year 2024, of procedures related to the official degrees established in Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality. (Spanish) new
- docxAnnex II. Human resources of the doctoral program (Spanish)
- pdfVerification and Modification Committees of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate new
- webEvaluation reports for the verification of Official University Degrees (Spanish)
Access to the application for the evaluation of verification memorandums or modification of Official University Degrees: