Internal Quality Assurance
ACCUA’s structure include a Quality and Institutional Relations Area, under the hierarchical dependence of the Directorate. In this regard, the Directorate promotes and oversees the internal and external quality assurance policy of the Agency and ensures its recognition by the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
Among the general principles guiding the Agency's actions, internal and external quality assurance stands out, following international quality assurance guidelines. To this end, and in accordance with Article 11 of its Statutes, the Agency will implement an internal and external quality assurance system based on international practices and standards to fulfill its functions and exercise its competencies.
In line with the above, ACCUA has established a Quality Assurance Commission as a working team composed of its own staff, responsible for analyzing, studying, and proposing improvements related to quality assurance in all aspects of the Agency's operations. This working group collaborates with the rest of the Agency's staff to ensure the integration of quality practices across all organizational areas and promotes awareness of the importance of quality at all levels. Furthermore, this working team is tasked with developing proposals for strategic planning documents and monitoring the implementation of activities scheduled by the organization.
- pdfEvaluators’ questionnaire of satisfaction with the follow-up procedure for university degrees in Andalusian universities (Spanish)
- pdfCuestionario de satisfacción del Programa para la Certificación de los Sistemas de Garantía de la Calidad de los Centros (IMPLANTA) para las comisiones de evaluación
- pdfCuestionario de satisfacción del Programa para la Certificación de los Sistemas de Garantía de la Calidad de los Centros (IMPLANTA) para las Universidades
- pdfUniversity officials’ questionnaire of satisfaction with the follow-up procedure for university degrees in Andalusian universities
- pdfEvaluators’ questionnaire of satisfaction with the procedure for verification/modification of university degrees in Andalusian universities
- pdfUniversity officials’ questionnaire of satisfaction with the procedure for verification/modification of university degrees in Andalusian universities (Spanish)