IQAS Certification of University Centers
IMPLANTA Programme
Royal Decree 640/2021, July, 27, on the creation, recognition, authorisation and accreditation of universities and university centers established a new framework that enables the transition towards an Institutional Accreditation model. The proposed model links the University Centres Quality Assurance System (QAS) to the Institutional Accreditation process, constituting the certification of the implementation of the QAS one of the necessary requirements to obtain such accreditation, which will be valid for 6 years renewable. That is why ACCUA offers the Andalusian Universities the IMPLANTA Programme of Certification of Quality Assurance Systems implemented in the centres of the Andalusian Universities, focused on university degrees. This Programme is launched with a Pilot plan and the edition of the corresponding Guide that guides the University and the Centres of the Andalusian University System, in obtaining this certification, based on the Criteria and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).
This evolutionary model of accreditation Programme to Centers, entails an increase in responsibility and development of a culture of internal quality in institutions, which will positively revert to the processes of degrees accreditation in its design or verification phase, monitoring and renewal of the accreditation and will have as main objective to guarantee an academic education that meets the needs and expectations of students and society.
- pdfResolution of the Directorate of the Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia, by which the deadline for submission of the application for the Renewal of the Certification of the Quality Assurance Systems Implanted in the Centres of Andalusian Universities is agreed. Extraordinary Call 2025 (Spanish)
- pdfResolution of the Directorate of the Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia, which establishes the deadlines and place of presentation of the application for the evaluation and certification of the Quality Assurance Systems implemented in the centres of the Andalusian Universities. Call for applications 2024 (Spanish)
- pdfResolution issued by the Directorate for Evaluation and Accreditation of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge, which provides the application deadline and procedure for the evaluation and certification of Quality Assurance Systems implemented in the Andalusian Universities centres. Call 2023 (Spanish)
- pdfRD 640/2021, of July 27, of creation, recognition, authorization and accreditation of universities and university centers (Spanish)
- pdfResolution of March 3, 2022, of the General Secretariat of Universities, by which instructions are issued on the procedure for the institutional accreditation of public and private university centers and the Protocol for the certification of internal quality assurance systems of university centers and the Protocol for the evaluation procedure for the renewal of the institutional accreditation of university centers, approved by the General Conference on University Policy, are published. (Spanish)
- docxAnnex. Follow-up Self-Report (Spanish)
- pdf Procedure for the evaluation of the cases of degrees taught in several centres (REACU, 29/04/2022) (Spanish)
- pdfGuide for Certification and Follow-up of Quality Assurance Systems implemented at Andalusian universities centres. IMPLANTA-SGCC Programme (CTEyA, 08/02/2023)
- docxAnexo. Solicitud certificación y seguimiento del SGC del Centro.
- pdfIMPLANTA Certification Committee. October 2024 new
- pdfIMPLANTA Certification Committee. April 2023
- pdfEvaluation Committee of the Implementation of the Quality Assurance System of the Centres. Call October 2024 new
- pdfEvaluation Committee of the Implementation of the Quality Assurance System of the Centres. Call April 2023 (Spanish)