Agencia para la Calidad Científica y Universitaria de Andalucía - ACCUA

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

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ENQA Evaluation

ACCUA undergoes its fourth external review coordinated by ENQA

ACCUA formally started in December 2023 the process of renewing its registration with the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) and its membership in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). To this end, it is undergoing an external review process in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education. Area (ESG 2015), coordinated by ENQA itself, of which this Agency has been a member (through its predecessors AAC-DEVA and AGAE) since the year 2000.

In accordance with Article 25 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, establishing the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure, registration in EQAR is a legal requirement that all Spanish agencies must comply with for the exercise of their competencies in the evaluation and accreditation of official university degrees.

ACCUA has submitted to ENQA the self-assessment report published on this page and will receive the visti of the review panel in April 2024.

DEVA reviewed positively by ENQA. 2019

The Board of ENQA, at its meeting of September 19, 2019, agreed to reconfirm the Andalusian Knowledge Agency-Directorate for Evaluation and Accreditation (AAC-DEVA) full-membership of ENQA, taking into account the external review conducted by the independent experts panel appointed by ENQA for this purpose. In this evaluation, the panel underlined DEVA´s staff professionality and commitment as well as the agency´s fundamental role concerning the Andalusian University System continuous improvement.

The external review process to reconfirm the AAC-DEVA membership in ENQA started in December 2018 with the provision of the self-assessment report, which includes detailed information on the agency compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015), a SWOT analysis and a proposal for areas for improvement. In April, from 2 to 5, 2019, the experts panel site visit to DEVA took place. During this visit the panel conducted interviews with the presidency of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, members of the Governing Board, the Technical Committe for Evaluation and Accreditation, DEVA´s Director, AAC-DEVA´s technical and administration staff, national and international evaluators, students, Andalusian Universities Rectors and Quality Assurance representatives, academic and professional students´ counselling services officers and entrepreneurs. This review process culminates with the external review report and the decision issued by the Board of ENQA concerning the AAC-DEVA's application.

This reconfirmation of membership of AAC-DEVA in ENQA will allow to apply for the renewal of AAC-DEVA inclusion within the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).

DEVA reviewed positively by ENQA. 2014

The Evaluation and Accreditation Directorate (DEVA) of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge (AAC) renews its presence as full member in ENQA.

For the second time DEVA has passed successfully the external review conducted by ENQA. The review, conducted by a panel of five experts designated by ENQA, acknowledges that DEVA abides by the principles of transparency, independence and efficiency.

On September 26, 2014, the ENQA Board officially communicated to DEVA its renewal of full membership. The review panel met in Cordoba in March, 19th and 20th, 2013. For two days twenty meetings were held with representatives from the Regional Council of Innovation, Science and Business, Andalusian Universities and AAC staff.

AGAE (now DEVA) reviewed positively by ENQA. 2009

On April 6, 2009, the Governing Board of ENQA made public to the Directorate of the Andalusian University Evaluation and Accreditation Agency the positive outcome of the evaluation carried out by the external Experts Committee appointed by the European Agency for that purpose. The positive evaluation carried out by ENQA ensures the continuity of the Agency as member of this institution for the next five years. The recognition received strengthens the guarantee of quality of the services rendered by the AGAE to the agents of the Andalusian University System.


Further information on this process and the review reports are available on ENQA website at:

For further information contact us at the following address:

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Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia
Calle Doña Berenguela s/n, planta 3

Tlf.: 957 35 50 37