Agencia para la Calidad Científica y Universitaria de Andalucía - ACCUA

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

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Teaching Staff Accreditation


Note on the accreditation process for Lecturer (Profesorado Ayudante Doctor) after the entry into force of the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU)

In accordance with the provisions of the transitional regime of Organic Law 2/2023, of March 22, of the University System (LOSU) and until the adaptation indicated therein is made, the evaluation procedure for contractual figures of the teaching staff of the Andalusian University System will continue to be applied as before and the evaluation criteria will remain as they are published on the ACCUA website  nuevo


It is recommended that applications be submitted electronically, through the following link:

However, if you choose to submit it on paper, it will be done at the General Registry of the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (C / Johannes Kepler, 1. Isla de la Cartuja CP 41092-Sevilla), or at the registry offices established by art. 16 of Law 39/2015 of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. In this case, it is recommended that the supporting documentation (annex IV) be presented scanned on a USB memory (pendrive), ordered and numbered according to the standardized curriculum model.

A new document allowing the certification of the teaching given at the University has been added

On-line Consultation

Access to the application SIGAP (Computer System of Management of Teaching Staff Accreditation). To consult online the state of your request.




For further information contact us at the following address:

Direct access to applications


Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia
Calle Doña Berenguela s/n, planta 3

Tlf.: 957 35 50 37