Access to the application for Official Academic Degrees:
All the official university degrees taught at institutionally non-accredited centres, the new verified degrees and those ones that obtained accreditation renewal, will be subject to follow-up.
In accordance with Royal Decree 822/2021, 28 September, article 28, on the organisation of university education and the procedure for its quality assurance, the centers will issue at least a follow-up report, which is compulsory, three years after the effective implementation or accreditation renewal.
Compliance with the essential academic standards and plans inlcuded in the study plan report must be reviewed in the follow-up report. Additionally, these follow-up reports will accredit transparency of information and the indicators including the degree learning outcomes; they will detect possible implementation deficiencies and will identify the best practices in follow-up and continuous improvement of university studies.
The application for the follow-up procedure will be submitted through DEVA´s telematic tool annually in February.
- pdfDecree 154/2023, of 27 June, on the organisation of official university education in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spanish)
- pdfRoyal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, establishing the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure
- pdfRoyal Decree 99/2011, january 28th, regulating official doctoral training (Consolidated text of July 18, 2023) (Spanish)
- pdfStandards and criteria for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2015)
- pdfResolution of April 6, 2021, of the General Secretariat of Universities, approving recommendations in relation to the evaluation criteria and standards for the verification, modification, follow-up and renewal of the accreditation of official university Bachelor’s and Master's degrees offered in virtual and hybrid teaching modalities. (Spanish)
- pdfGuidelines for the preparation and evaluation of bachelor's and master's degree curricula in different teaching modalities (REACU, 11/29/2021) (Spanish)
- pdfREACU- Evaluation Protocol for the Follow-up and Renewal of the Accreditation of Official University Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (Approved on March 2, 2022) (Spanish)
- pdfREACU- Evaluation Protocol for the Follow-up and Renewal of the Accreditation of Doctoral Programs leading to obtaining the official title of Doctor (Approved on March 2, 2022) (Spanish)
- pdfEvaluation protocol for the inclusion of the Dual Mention (Spanish)
- pdfProtocol for the Follow-up of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate University Degrees
- docxStructure of the Bachelor and Master's Self-Report (Spanish)
- docxStructure of the PhD Self-Report (Spanish)
- pdfFollow-Up Committee. Call 2024/2025 (Spanish) new
- pdfCalendar for the year 2024, of procedures related to the official degrees established in Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality. (Spanish) new