Agencia para la Calidad Científica y Universitaria de Andalucía - ACCUA

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

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Successive Academic Programmes – PARS

The Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure, regulates, in its ninth additional provision, the possibility for universities to offer, within their autonomy, pilot academic programmes with successive pathways —consecutive cycles— in the field of Engineering and Architecture. These programmes connect a Bachelor's degree with a Master's degree focused on professional specialization while maintaining their differentiation and structural independence, aiming to enhance the comprehensive education of the student.

The application must include an academic report or plan for the PARS requested, which must at least contain the programme design, admission procedures and criteria, identification and justification of pending subjects required for enrollment in the master's program, and the coordination mechanism between the Bachelor's Final Project and the Master's Thesis. Additionally, it must be accompanied by regulations approved by the university's governing bodies regarding this matter.

This process is independent from the evaluation and accreditation of Bachelor's and Master's degrees connected through this "successive pathway." A PARS does not create a new study program, but rather an itinerary that links two existing degrees.

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Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia
Calle Doña Berenguela s/n, planta 3

Tlf.: 957 35 50 37