Agencia para la Calidad Científica y Universitaria de Andalucía - ACCUA

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia

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Accreditation Renewal

Accreditation renewal is the procedure used to ensure that the official Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees are being implemented according to the verified report, with the appropriate resources and with the support of an Internal Quality Assurance System which allows the effective enhancement of the degree.

Royal Decree 822/2021, 28 September, on the organisation of university education and the procedure for its quality assurance, in article 34, provides that the university centres that are not institutionally accredited, must renew the accreditation of their official university degrees within the following deadlines:

a) The accreditation of the university official Bachelor degrees including 240 ECTS credits, should have been renewed within six years since the date of the degree initial provision, or since the date of the last accreditation renewal.

b) The accreditation of the university official Bachelor degrees including 300 or 360 ECTS credits, should have been renewed within a maximum period of eight years, since the date of initial provision of the degree, or since the date of the last accreditation renewal.

c) The accreditation of university official Master degrees, should have been renewed within the maximum period of six years, since the date of initial provision of the degree, or since the date of the last accreditation renewal.

d) The accreditation of university official Doctorate degrees, should have been renewed within the maximum period of six years, since the starting date of the Doctorate programme or since the date of the last accreditation renewal.

Regulations and Recommendations

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Agency for Scientific and University Quality of Andalusia
Calle Doña Berenguela s/n, planta 3

Tlf.: 957 35 50 37